The Lodge at Deadwood (map)
This beautiful course in the Black Hills of South Dakota, takes you from an abandoned mining town, across railroad trestles, through a mountain, past monolithic rock formations, beside a babbling creek and finish in Deadwood……a town that is an historic landmark.
The Lodge at Deadwood (map)
Deadwood Trailhead / Sherman Street Lot (map)
Deadwood Mickelson Trailhead (map)
Deadwood Mickelson Trailhead (map)
Celebrity Hotel Rooftop Deck (map)
Lodge at Deadwood (map)
The Deadwood Mickelson Trail Marathon is an incredible event, but please note, it is not as technical as the XTERRA Trail Run World Championship will be. If you happen to qualify for the XTERRA Trail Run World Championship at the Deadwood Mickelson Trail Marathon event, please pay special attention to the course specifics and descriptions given at when making your decision to attend. Feel free to reach out to with any questions or concerns.
Yes, the marathon course is USATF Certified, and therefore a Boston Qualifier.
Rapid City Regional Airport (RAP) is the closest airport to Deadwood, a 45 minute drive.
There are no transfers to other years, other runners, or refunds. You may switch events (full to half, half to relay or 5K, etc) until May 1st. Please appreciate that we have to purchase our supplies in advance of the race.
Lawrence county search and rescue volunteers as well as some bicycle monitors will be on the course. The medical tent staffed by EMT’s is located at the finish area.
Would you like to volunteer to help with the Deadwood-Mickelson Trail Marathon? There is a job for everyone who applies including aid station workers, goodie bag stuffers, road guards and much more… Hills area residents and visitors who will be here with a runner are all welcome. For spouses or friends of participants this can be a great way to enjoy the time during the Marathon and Half-Marathon.
For more information and to sign up please contact us by emailing
Yes. You must pick up your race packet and Chip at the Expo. There will be NO packet pick-up on race day.
Yes, for both the Full and Half Marathon, and we strongly encourage you utilize it. We have had no difficulties getting everyone to the starting line on time. Additionally, there is NO PARKING at either start.
Yes, if you plan to leave clothing at the start line, please do the following things….
Use your goodie bag as your Drop Bag.
Print your BIB NUMBER in large numbers on the bag.
When you get to your start line, it is YOUR responsibility to get your bag to the truck. At the HALF Start, you will see a SCHEELS truck…..that’s the place to put your bag. At the FULL start….there will be a couple of pick up trucks designated as Drop Bag vehicles, again, your responsibility to get your bag to them.
Bags will be delivered to Finish Line / Reunion Area and laid out in numeric order, separated by event.
If you are staying at The Lodge or Deadwood Gulch… Buses will pick you up in front of the hotel at 7:00 am (these buses are for hotel guest only, no exceptions).
If you are staying at any of the hotels or motels in Deadwood, the Deadwood Trolley will pick you up in front of your hotel between 5:45am and 6:45am (they make several loops, so if one goes by another will come around) and take you to the Start Line Bus stop, where you will board your bus for your start line…..either the full marathon or the half marathon. If you are not staying in a Deadwood Hotel, and are driving in to catch your bus for your start line, you need to park at the Days of 76 Rodeo parking lot which is located on the north end of Deadwood. If you are parking at the Bus Stop area, PLEASE follow the directions of our Parking Attendants. They have a plan, and if you cooperate, all will flow smoothly. If you are being dropped off at the Bus Stop (Rodeo Grounds) your driver will be diverted to the right as you pull in to the parking lot. Again, please follow the Parking Attendants directions. Thanks for your cooperation.
Yes, leave your gear bag at the starting line. We will transport it to the finish line.
The short answer is “no,” you won’t be affected. The slightly longer answer is that any minimal affect from the altitude is offset by the perfect running conditions, cool and dry.
Besides your medal, take advantage of the the awards ceremony, massages, gear bags, food and drink ….and music.
We will have a sag cyclist, but the runner may continue as a pedestrian without assistance. Aid stations, traffic control, volunteers, etc. will relinquish their posts based upon the 7 hour completion time (16:09 pace). No official times will be posted after 3pm and race officials will determine on a case by case basis whether you will be allowed to continue.
No, the Mickelson Trail is too narrow to accommodate pets and strollers.
Yes, we are a music friendly course.
No! And hopefully you’ve been listening… we want you to take the bus shuttle! We will have a shuttle beginning at 10:30 am to take you back to your vehicle at the Rodeo Grounds or to your hotel in Deadwood.
No, there is no parking available at either starting line.
Yes, approximately every 2 miles, give or take a 1/10 or 2. All aid stations will have the following: WATER; POWERADE; BANANA CHUNKS; and PRETZELS. Some aid stations will have M & M’s. There is an “extra” aid station at mile 25. Portable toilets at miles (Marathon) 3, 8.5, 13, 18.5, 23.5. (Half) 5.5 and 10.5.
The times that the Trolleys start running and the times that the Start Line buses begin leaving the Days of 76 Rodeo Grounds parking lot for the two start lines:
6 AM
FREE PARKING at Days of 76 Rodeo Grounds
5:45 AM TO 6:45 AM
DEADWOOD TROLLEYS FREE will pick up all runners staying at any Deadwood Hotel to take themnto START LINE Bus Stop, where they board busses that will take them to their respective START LINES.
6:45 am to 7:00 AM
START LINE BUSES leave from Days of 76 Rodeo Grounds Parking Lot for both the start lines. Buses WILL leave ON TIME.
7:00 AM
Start line buses leave from the Lodge at Deadwood and Deadwood Gulch (for hotel guests only)
7:30-8:00 AM
Rolling Start for the Half Marathon
No, but children under 14 may participate in the relay.
Expect to start off in the 40’s and end in the high 60’s (Fahrenheit).
Yes! We encourage walkers on both the Half and Full Marathon courses. You have ample time to finish either event, with the course open 7 hours. No official times will be posted after 3pm and race officials will determine on a case by case basis whether you will be allowed to continue.
Starting at 4:30pm, pasta specials in the Lodge at Deadwood Restaurant…advance ticket purchase required. Click here to purchase tickets.
All awards will be presented in the Finish Line / Reunion area. Results will be posted on our home page or at
HALF Marathon Overall winners, Male and Female will receive their awards at 9:45 AM.
FULL Marathon Overall winners, male and female will receive their awards at 11:30 AM.
• AGE GROUP winners can pick up their awards at the First Interstate Bank Awards tent beginning at 10 AM. Updated results will be posted every half hour until 3 PM. If you cannot pick up your award between 10 AM and 3 PM at the Awards Tent, we will mail it to you after the race for a $5 shipping fee. It will be your responsibility to mail us a check and your mailing address in order for you to receive your award.
Please check with our volunteers in the Awards tent if you think you placed in your age group. PLEASE BE PATIENT AND COURTEOUS……THANKS. DON’T pester our scorer….Alan’s a great guy and will accommodate anyone, BUT, he has a job to do and can do it more efficiently if left alone. THANKS.
We encourage you to go out on the course and cheer for the runners, and here are some suggestions for the best way to do that.
No spectators at start of Full Marathon……PLEASE. Rochford is a tiny little town with no parking.
1. Best spots for viewing/cheering are at the following Trail heads: Dumont Trailhead; Englewood Trailhead; Kirk Trailhead and the Finish Line.
2. For detailed DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS to the Trailheads and viewing spots, CLICK HERE