October 13, 2024
Cradle Moon Lakeside Game Lodge
XTERRA Cradle Moon

Full Distance Triathlon

Full Distance Triathlon

The information on this page is not yet confirmed, and may be based on the previous years' edition.

XTERRA Cradle Moon Full Distance Triathlon is the classic XTERRA race. Whether it's battling for slots for the World Championship, clashing with elites, or aiming to conquer the full-distance off-road triathlon, this race has something to offer all athletes with a sense of adventure.

Registration opens on
May 17
Registration Closes on
Oct 11
Registration Closed


This courses below are not yet confirmed, and subject to change.
Swim: 1500M
Click through to see the swim course map, description and download the GPX file.
Bike: 25KM
Click through to see the bike course map, description and download the GPX file.

Bike Course: 25km

The first of two loops starts out with a good mix of Jeep track and flowy single track with 2 gentle climbs to get you into a nice rhythm. At 8km you’ll enter the enigmatic Spookhuis section. After riding through the old wooden barn where this Wildebeest likes to rest, you get to my favourite part of the course: Ride into and through the ruin of a stately Victorian country home. A few tight turns take you through the old house with its colourful rooms, and you roll down the stairs of the front stoep. After a short loop through the Acacia trees, you ride through the kitchen and out the back door.

From the Spookhuis you climb steadily through the savanna for almost 5km, keep your eye open for herds of Eland, Giraffe and Warthog. You’ll pass the only water point on the bike course at 11km, to reach the highest point of the course at 13km at 1440m alt. For the strong cyclists, this climb is a great opportunity to move up through the field and set yourself up for the more technical second half of the bike course. Remember to fuel while you can, because things are about to get busy!

The next 6km is single-track heaven, ranging from a flowy natural trail through the Acacias, to twisty turns through the Bluegum forests and long wooden boardwalks which are fast and fun to ride. This is where you really need to stay mentally relaxed and focus on your cornering technique to keep your momentum.

The 20km mark is the end of the first loop, you’ll swing through Race Village and wave at the fans before tackling the 2nd loop of 5km. Don't underestimate the "baby loop” -this last climb is just over 2km long, but climbs 70m. Make sure to stay on top of your nutrition during the climb because the last downhill ranges from high-speed berms to slow and technical - no place to eat or drink!  Time to get mentally ready for the run...

Run: 9KM
Click through to see the run course map, description and download the GPX file.

Run Course: 9KM

Personally, I’m very excited about this run course! It has something of everything. Stacked on top of the bike course, it is the real deal, and stacks up with some of the best XTERRA run courses in the world!

The first km is flat and easy - use it to find your running legs. The 2nd km is flat but technical - along the river bank where I saw a Water Monitor Lizard (Likkewaan), and up a ladder & through the ruin of an old fortress. You’ll cross a large bridge and enjoy the comforts of an aid station before the route shoots straight up the lung buster of a single-track climb. A free beer for everyone who runs it! From here on it's a single track all the way to 5km. Negotiate small stream crossings with technical footwork, but also enjoy a fast and fun flat trail next to the dam. If you see hippo dung on the trail - it's because of the hippo...

From 5.5 to 7km is a smooth Jeep track and you can really open up your stride and let your mind wander. Don't get too comfortable - the most technical parts jump right at you in the final 2 kilometres. It promises stunning views, natural beauty, a raging waterfall and the sweet taste of the XTERRA finish line.


This schedule is not yet confirmed, and subject to change.
Sat 2024.10.12
Sun 2024.10.13


This information is not yet confirmed, and subject to change.

💰 R18,000

Total Prize Pot

🎁 Prizes

Top 3 Men & Women

🌍 28

WC Slots

Prize Purse

Position Male Female
1 R10,000 R10,000
2 R6,000 R6,000
3 R4,000 R4,000
4 R3,000 R3,000
5 R2,000 R2,000

Slots indicated apply equally to male and female divisions. See the complete rules here.

Only Fully Registered TSA members will be in line for selection/prizes and or podium.


The fees below have not yet been confirmed, and are subject to change.
Registration from May 17th - Oct 10th, 2024. Registration available onsite.


Description Fee
Individual R1700
Relay (per team) R1900

Should the Event be cancelled or postponed as a result of any events beyond the event organizer’s control (i.e. due to force majeure, Communicable Diseases or legislation introduced by the South African government, etc.), then the following refund policy will apply to entrants:

  • Participants will be refunded 50% of their paid for entry, should the event be cancelled or postponed within 48 hours of the event taking place, participants will be able to roll their event entry to new event date or the following year

  • There will be no refunds within 7 days of the event

  • Transfers are allowed and there will be a nominal transfer fee. Transfers can only be done buy contacting Race Office via Email


The information below may be from a previous edition of the event, and is subject to change.

XTERRA Cradle Moon is a Triathlon South Africa (TSA) sanctioned event - World Triathlon Rules and Regulations will apply.

General Rules:

  • No music devices/earphones

  • No course cutting. Immediate DQ. Life time ban on 2nd offence.

  • No littering. 5 minute penalty for littering on course. Use Litter Zone at aid stations.

  • No outside assistance. Athletes may help each other.

  • Unsportsmanlike behavior, foul riding and running or the use of profane or abusive language may lead to disqualification

  • Athletes who do not finish the event, at the time of pulling out, must please report it to any Technical Official.


  • Swimsuit & provided swim cap must be worn.

  • Goggles are optional.

  • Wetsuit is optional, depending on water temperature, see Rules.


  • Mountain bike with race number displayed on handlebars is required.

  • Helmet and shoes are compulsory.

  • Clothing covering bottom and torso is compulsory.

  • Bike needs to be in good working order.

  • Bikes may only be removed when all athletes are off the course.


  • Race number must be worn on the front. (Best is an elastic with 3 pins or special triathlon number belt)

  • Clothing covering bottom and torso is compulsory.


  • Helmet on and buckled before taking your bike.

  • Remove helmet only once back has been racked after cycling leg.

  • Riding your bike within the Transition Area is prohibited. You may only begin cycling once you have passed the mount line outside the Transition Area

  • Familiarise yourself with the mount and dismount lines.

  • Only participants allowed in transition.

  • Bikes must be returned to the same location on the bike rack during the transition to the run

  • Bikes must be securely racked and may not be left on the ground before heading onto the run

  • Personal seconding or assistance in the Transition Area is prohibited

Reminder: Good Trail Etiquette:

1) Communicate. If it's too narrow to overtake, say “Please let me through” or “Rider up”. Or, if there is room to just overtake off the main line, clearly say “I’m passing on your right/left”.

2) Overtake when its safe. Once they know you want to overtake, give the slower rider in front time to find a good place to move to the side, so you can safely overtake. If more than 1 person is busy overtaking, say “one more” so they know to let you by. The last person to overtake can say “last one”, so the overtakee knows they can move back onto the main line.

3) Say "Thank you!” We’re here to have fun, XTERRA is a cool sport with cool people, no need to bash elbows or cut riders off like it's the Mountainbike Olympics.


For news, event updates, stories and more.

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