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In the rugged mountains of the Czech Republic, Vasek Vankoura’s life revolves around an unspoken trust—between man and dog, family and nature, rescuer and the lives he saves, where his resilience and quiet dedication strike the delicate balance between service and interdependence.


The Call of Duty

In the midst of an emergency, every second counts. For Vasek Vankoura, a firefighter from the northern Czech Republic, this reality is a constant. Vasek’s journey as a firefighter has been marked by numerous life-threatening situations, including the catastrophic explosion in Beirut and a devastating tornado in Moravia. These experiences have shaped his outlook on interdependence, driven by a connection to nature and all living things. 

"During my work as a canine firefighter, I took part in a foreign mission after the explosion in Beirut, Lebanon, where we were together with the USA as a team with the Czech Republic. Then I participated in the rescue operations after a tornado swept through the villages in Moravia," Vasek recalls. The high stakes and urgency that define his profession require not just physical endurance but also a deep sense of trust. 

Vasek’s connection with canines is the cornerstone of search and rescue missions, thanks to their unparalleled sense of smell and agility. "Dogs are a major part of these missions, after an earthquake, explosion, or anything like that. Their activity has not been surpassed by any technology to date," Vasek explains. The bond between Vasek and his dogs is built on a shared conviction, a relationship critical to high-pressure situations.

"Training a rescue dog takes two to three years before they can go into action. Even if they complete the training sooner, it's not wise to push them into intense situations because their psyche isn't mature enough to handle the pressure and emotions involved." 

For Vasek, being a firefighter is not just about responding to emergencies; it is about being prepared, both physically and mentally. "From a young age, I had a need to help others, to help the weak, to help someone in trouble, and that's why I chose my job," he says. 

"Every day in my work is different, every mission is different and if everything goes well, I have a very good feeling of contentment and a sense of connection," he shares. "If we help people who are in need, and they thank us in return, it warms my heart and I am fully fulfilled from that." 

Vasek’s story is one of courage, preparation, and the role of trust in search and rescue operations. "I try to get dogs to trust me in our work. I try to never hurt them, to show them that working together can be fun. I don't work with them only because they must save someone. I work because they know that we enjoy it and that it is an important activity for us." 


Ecological Affinity

Growing up in the northern Czech Republic, Vasek always felt a profound pull towards the outdoors. His childhood was filled with exploration, whether it was climbing rocks, running through forests, or discovering new trails. 

Vasek believes that his connection with nature enhanced his ability to serve and protect his community. His daily routines continue to be meticulously designed to maintain his physical fitness and mental sharpness, essential traits for the demanding role of a firefighter.

A significant part of Vasek's life revolves around his dogs, all with varying levels of experience. Swix, one of the more experienced canines, has accompanied him in more intense search operations, whereas his Belgian shepherd, Origami, affectionately known as Ori and is featured in the film, is still young in her training. Vasek doesn’t view his dogs as just pets but as companions who love adventure and physical activity. Each bond is evident in their daily routines. "I spend every day with my dogs, on a morning run, some games together, and many more moments. We also like to just sit with each other." 

Trail running is a cornerstone of Vasek's daily routine. "Thanks to my dogs, I'm on my feet every day and I go for a run every day. I'm very happy to see that all my 11 dogs are enjoying it too. They have an incredible amount of energy and love to run," he says. The rugged terrain of the mountains and forests surrounding his home provides the perfect backdrop for these runs. 

Broněk has been Vasek’s friend for almost thirty years who shares, "I remember his love for sports activities since he was a child. He was certainly athletically gifted from an early age; he enjoyed it a lot. Outdoor activities and sports are his beloved hobbies."

"Sports are very important to me,” Vasek confirms. “Whether running, skiing, cycling, climbing, whatever. I like movement. I like getting my body in shape, to get past my limits and push them further and further. I generally don't enjoy sitting still at home. I like to go for a walk, I like to constantly move, and I try to enjoy every day to the fullest." 

Vasek's biophilia is deeply rooted in his upbringing. He was raised by parents who instilled in him a love for nature and a respect for animals. "My parents showed me how to care for animals and how to enjoy nature. Thanks to them, I have so many animals at home" he recalls. Living in the mountains, Vasek's daily life is a blend of work, family, and adventure. Together with his wife Veronica, he manages a household bustling with activity. "We arrange all the chores that have to do with our two children, 11 dogs, a sheep, chickens, and our horse." 

Broněk remarks, "He devotes a lot of time to them. I can confirm that, because their bond is definitely admirable and unique. The kind of care and time he gives not only to animals but friends, relatives, his hobbies, and the overall way of life he lives, it's truly admirable."

The connection Vasek feels with nature goes deeper than physical exertion; it fosters a sense of mental well-being. The tranquility of the mountains offers a respite from the stresses of his job. "Daily coexistence with nature and life in nature gives me a youthful desire to live at the top. It gives me respect for my family and my community. Thanks to it, I like to go to work, to help anyone in need, and to enjoy life to the fullest." 


Awakening Through Ori

"Some mornings, it's Ori and me against the silence of the dawn," Vasek describes. While the rest of his family, including all the animals that make up his home, get their own care, attention, and commitment throughout the day, these quiet mornings with Ori are a cherished routine.

The connection with Ori reflects Vasek’s approach to raising and training all his dogs, which is evident that he is deeply dedicated to each of them.

Vasek’s trust in his dogs is rooted in their proven reliability and keen instincts. "In rescue missions, your dog is your partner, your navigator, and sometimes your lifeline," Vasek explains, reflecting on the countless times his dogs have been instrumental in locating and saving lives. This trust is reciprocal; his dogs rely on him for guidance, care, and emotional connection, which he provides without reserve.

Vasek recounts one particularly tense operation where Ori's alertness and quick reaction made all the difference. "There was a situation where Ori and Swix detected a faint scent under the rubble that was almost missed by technology. Their insistence led us to a successful rescue. It’s moments like these that reinforce the trust we have in each other’s capabilities," he shares.

"The way Ori looks at me during a mission, there's an understanding there, a silent conversation. She trusts me to lead, and I trust her senses and instincts."

Through Ori, Vasek has come to appreciate the simpler moments of life, the quiet joys of companionship, and the unspoken vows of loyalty. "Ori has taught me to slow down, to appreciate the small moments between the chaos. She’s shown me that trust isn’t just built in grand gestures but in everyday actions." 

In exploring the relationship with his dogs, Vasek has discovered parallels in human connections—emphasizing trust, non-verbal communication, and mutual respect. "The lessons I’ve learned from Ori translate into my interactions with people. It’s about more than words; it’s about presence, energy, and sincerity," he reflects. "Being responsible for a life, whether it's a dog or a person in distress, shapes you. It makes you more aware of the impact of your actions, more deliberate in your decisions."


Unsung Heroes

The profound synergy where each rescue mission strengthens mutual reliance between Vasek and his dogs is unparalleled. “There was a rescue after a landslide where the technology failed us; the devices were just not sensitive enough to pick up the faint signs of life beneath the rubble," Vasek recounts, his voice tinged with respect for the four-legged partner that was at the scene. " She was restless, pulling at the leash, whining, her nose to the ground. She knew someone was there, long before any of our gadgets confirmed it."

This bond is not formed overnight but is the result of rigorous training and shared experiences, both challenging and rewarding. "Training a rescue dog like Ori or Swix starts from puppyhood, but it's about more than just teaching commands. It's about developing a language of small signals, a dialogue without words, where a glance or a gesture can convey volumes," explains Vasek.

This silent communication is crucial during operations where time is of the essence and every command needs to be precise and understood immediately. "In the field, when the situation is chaotic, and every second counts, it's that trust, that unspoken understanding between us that often leads us to those we’re trying to save."

For Vasek, the realization of how integral these dogs are to his work came during one particularly intense mission. "We were searching for a child lost in the forest as night fell, the temperature dropping rapidly. Every minute mattered," he recalls. Ori and Swix led the team through dense underbrush, their body language alert and focused. Hours into the search, Ori’s demeanor shifted subtly, a change only noticeable to those who knew her well. Following the lead of Ori and Swix, the team found the child, cold and scared but alive.

Reflecting on such moments, Vasek acknowledges the emotional impact his canine partners have on him and his team. "It's more than just the physical search; it's the hope and strength they bring. When we see Ori and Swix pressing forward, determined, it lifts us, drives us to keep going even when we're all running on empty."

When Vasek prepares for another day, he looks at Ori and feels a profound gratitude. "Every day with her, I learn something new about trust, about resilience, about the sheer will to save lives. She's not just my dog; she's my partner, my teacher, my family." 


A Better Community

Vasek’s influence extends beyond the emergencies and rescues, touching the lives of the younger generation through education and active engagement. He often visits local schools to teach children about the vital role of nature and animals in our lives. His lessons are practical and infused with stories of his experiences, designed to ignite a passion for the outdoors and a respect for all living beings. "It's essential for children to understand the interconnectedness of our ecosystem. I bring Ori along, and you can see the impact she has on them. It makes the lessons personal." 

These educational sessions are part of a broader initiative Vasek spearheads, focusing on community safety and environmental stewardship. He collaborates with local parks to organize clean-up days, tree plantings, and wildlife protection seminars. "These activities are about showing, not just telling. We clean up a trail, plant some native shrubs, and through these actions, we learn about responsibility—to our environment and to each other," says Vasek.

Moreover, Vasek is deeply involved in mentoring young aspiring firefighters and volunteers, providing a real-world glimpse into the challenges and rewards of public service. His approach combines rigorous physical training with critical thinking exercises designed to prepare them for the unpredictability of rescue missions. "We run drills, I share strategies that have saved lives, but it's also about instilling a sense of duty and the importance of mental resilience," he notes.

His home life with his family also reflects a communal service. Together with his wife, Veronica, and their two children, they maintain a lifestyle that respects and nurtures their extended family of animals. "Each of us has chores, responsibilities that contribute to our little community. It teaches my kids the value of hard work and care," he shares.

His leadership in emergency situations and community initiatives alike has made him a respected figure in his town. "When people see you involved, giving back, it inspires them to contribute as well. It's about building a community where everyone feels they can make a difference." 


Prepared To Run

With relentless determination comes consistency.  Each stride challenges Vasek’s endurance through trails that transform running into something more than a fitness regimen. Trail running is vital for keeping Vasek primed for the unpredictable demands of firefighting and rescue operations.

Lacing up as Ori waits patiently, the trails they are about to conquer are not just paths through the forest but avenues of preparation that challenge both mind and body. "Running these trails isn't just about physical endurance, it's about mental resilience. Every steep climb, every unpredictable turn mirrors the challenges I face on the job." 

Vasek explains his ability to navigate through smoke-filled rooms or unstable rubble:"The unpredictability of nature’s terrain is much like the uncertainty of a rescue scene. You must always be prepared to adjust, to respond swiftly and effectively."

"I use this time to think, to plan. Each run is an opportunity to review what went right in the last call, what could be improved. " 

Maintaining a lifelong commitment to preparedness including strength training, agility workouts, and tactical skills development, Vasek insists,  "Fitness is not seasonal, and neither is our readiness. It's a year-round commitment." 


Harmony In Balance

A symbiotic relationship among nature, Vasek, his family, his beloved animals, and the community illustrates a harmonious existence characterized by service and interdependence.

Vasek’s story displays the paramount value of trust—not just through loyal canine companionship but also in the cohesive teamwork essential during rescue operations and in fostering better communities. His mentorship as an educator is a commitment to instilling a love for nature and a sense of responsibility in a younger generation.

Vasek’s wife, Veronica, emphasizes this by saying, "For our children, it's good that they learn to take care of someone and learn to step back a little. When they are used to working with other living creatures, it's rewarding."

Through his adventures with Ori, Swix, his other dogs, and challenges at work, Vasek demonstrates how living in tune with our surroundings and communities can provide richer, more rewarding life experiences. 

In the quiet of the mountains and the trails he runs, there lies an invitation to all—to trust and appreciate the delicate balance of life, to nurture the bonds we share with each other and with nature, and to recognize our roles in a larger community.




Author Bio

Ari Altun

Ari Altun serves as the Manager of Communications and Content for XTERRA. Originally from Toronto, Canada, he brings his passion for nature, outdoor adventure, and community building to his role to help craft inspiring stories for XTERRA Culture along with comprehensive event previews and recaps.


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