Salle des Huards, Manoir du Lac Delage (map)
XTERRA Sprint is an even shorter distance race from Sprint with a 400-meter swim, 12K mountain bike, and a 4K trail run. Athletes can compete in the XTERRA Sprint race as a team or as individuals. This race is ideal for newcomers and for people seeking a less-demanding XTERRA experience. This race will be the XTERRA Youth World Championship qualifier for the Youth A category.
Salle des Huards, Manoir du Lac Delage (map)
Manoir du Lac Delage (map)
Manoir du Lac Delage (map)
Manoir du Lac Delage (map)
The Super Sprint Distance is proud to be the Youth A category qualifier for the XTERRA Youth World Championship. For more information about the XTERRA Youth Tour, please visit
Individual Age Group: Ages 16 and over as of 31/12/2025
Team (Relay): Ages 12 and over as of 31/12/2025 (min 2 max 3 participants)
Check the event's Facebook page to see how many registrations are left before the next fee increase.
Distance approx. : 400m swim + 12km mountain bike + 4km trail run
Distance approx. : 400m swim + 12km mountain bike + 4km trail run