Empire 47 (map)
XTERRA Quebec is held over several days and takes places on some of the best trails in Eastern Canada. With entry level to advanced race categories, and individual and team options for most, there is something for everyone.
Join our team and live an enriching experience!
Assembly / disassembly
First aid / patrol
Safety on the lake
The preparation and assembly of XTERRA Quebec will take place a month in advance to create a memorable and unique event thanks to your involvement! Tell us your preferences and we will contact you to schedule appointments.
We invite you on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. to a dinner discussion at the Manoir restaurant in the company of the elite, our ambassadors and the organizing committee.
It will be a unique opportunity to exchange in all simplicity with cross-triathlon enthusiasts.
To reserve your place, you must make an Interac transfer no later than Wednesday to xterraquebec@gmail.com in the amount of $35.75 including taxes and service. Write the question: For which event. Put the answer: XTERRA
We also have our famous pre-race meal on Saturday at 5:00 p.m., still at the Manoir restaurant.
It is important to reserve your spot early.
To reserve your place, you must make an Interac transfer no later than Thursday to the address xterraquebec@gmail.com in the amount of $39 including taxes and service. Write the question: For which event. Put the answer: XTERRA
The pre-race meeting will take place via Facebook Live at a time TBD on the XTERRA Série Québec Facebook page .
The pre-race meeting will take place via Facebook Live at a time TBD on the XTERRA Série Québec Facebook page .
The pre-race meeting will take place at a time TBD at the Manoir du Lac Delage just before the Pasta Party.
Photographers will be on hand to capture you in action. Photos will be posted on our Facebook page after the event.
First aid
The organization of XTERRA Quebec, in partnership with PCN, takes the health of its participants to heart. You can count on the expertise of our team of volunteers trained as first aiders to ensure your safety during the event.
In order to avoid injuries during the event, here are some tips to follow :
Unlike a road triathlon, the technical level of the bike course of a cross triathlon does not allow you to let go of the handlebars at any time. It's best to plan to eat when you make your transitions or wait for a rolling portion to eat or drink.
Be patient for overtaking on the bike course. Avoid rushing them into areas that are not conducive to them. This can lead to a fall and ruin your triathlon and that of another competitor.
Be aware that the level of technical skill varies from person to person. Politely ask for passage, favoring the left side of the track as much as possible. If a person asks you to pass, slow down or stop by clearing the track on the requested side without putting yourself in danger.
In the days preceding your event, take the time to go and do a reconnaissance of the course. You will be able to recognize the most technical places and know how to approach them safely!
If illness or injury occurs to you or another participant :
Promptly alert the first volunteer/first aid staff you see or an athlete near you so they can advise medical staff of your condition. If he has to stay with you, send another athlete to inform the organization so that first aid comes to take care of you.
Position yourself in the safe zone as much as possible to avoid causing a collision.
Depending on your condition, the medical staff will take care of you and escort you to the medical tent.
massage therapists
Massage therapy students will be on site all weekend to offer you their services free of charge, but in exchange for a voluntary contribution.
IMPORTANT: Each participant has a duty to come to the aid of another participant whose health or safety is threatened. Stay with the casualty or make sure someone can stay with them. Ask for help and notify a member of the organization as soon as possible, either a patroller, a member of the medical team, a flagman or a volunteer at the supply station.
Happy racing everyone and have fun!
The medical team
You must report any abandonment to the organization before leaving the site.
Be sure to tell a manager and not just a volunteer who may not have communication with us.
Time limits to complete a segment ensure the safety of the participants and the logistics of the event. The time limits are quite permissive and are very rarely exceeded except in the event of major difficulty.
For the discovery and youth formats, the deadline to complete all events is 10:30 a.m. except for 12-15 year olds which is 9:30 a.m.
For the Standard and Sprint formats, if a participant exceeds the time limit, he will not be able to start the next segment, he will be disqualified and will have to return his timing chip.
However, a participant in the Standard format who is out of time but who still wants to continue his event could, with the authorization of the Race Director, continue on the Sprint courses. He would then have to remove his chip and would obviously be disqualified from the rankings, he could however continue his event without an official time and with a DSQ ranking.
Standard Triathlon and Duathlon
Cut-off time for swimming (triathlon): 9:00 a.m.
Deadline for cycling (triathlon / duathlon): 12:30 p.m.
Deadline for finishing your race (triathlon / duathlon): 2:30 p.m.
We can end the competition of a participant at any time even if he is within the time limits if we judge that his safety is at stake.
We ask that you let us know if you feel any discomfort, to listen and to respect your own limits.
Triathlon and short duathlon (sprint)
Cut-off time for swimming (triathlon): 11:40 a.m.
Deadline for cycling (triathlon / duathlon): 1:45 p.m.
Deadline for finishing your race (triathlon / duathlon): 2:30 p.m.
We can end the competition of a participant at any time even if he is within the time limits if we judge that his safety is at stake.
We ask that you let us know if you feel any discomfort, to listen and to respect your own limits.
Refuelling stations will be available on the bike and running courses.
A flexible “speed cup” type glass will be distributed to each runner in their participant kit. The runner must bring this glass during his race segment and fill it himself when refuelling. The flexible glass is very easy to carry in a hand or in a pocket and weighs practically nothing. There will be no delivery of glasses during refreshments, this is to reduce residual materials.
It will be possible for participants who use their own supplies to throw their packaging in the bins at the supply stations.
It will be STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to throw packaging or any waste on the courses outside these posts. A participant who does not respect these rules will be automatically disqualified.
The position of the aid stations on the routes will be distributed as follows:
Standard | bike km 0.5 , 12.5 | race km 0.5 , 2.5, 4.5 , 6.5, 8.5
Sprint | bicycle km 0.5 | race km 0.5 , 2.5, 4.5
Discovery | bike km 0.5 , 8 | race km 0.5 , 2.5
Young people 10-15 years old | bicycle km 0.5 | race km 0.5
SwimRun | race km 0.5 , 2.5, 4.5
Trail Running | race km 0.5 , 2.5, 4.5 , 6.5, 8.5
Highlighted supplies include water, Spark Nutrition electrolytes, oranges, bananas, Xact products, energy bars, chips, mixed nuts, Skittles and gummies.
The others are water and electrolyte refills with Skittles, nuts and energy bars only.
An arrival supply will also be offered to participants with everything that is found on the course and a few more treats!
Participants' kits will include the swimming helmet, bike plate, race bib, soft “Speedcup” glass and timing chip to be attached to an ankle. Tie-wraps and pins will also be provided. The coupon for the participant's meal, included with his registration, will also be in the kit directly on your bib. Do not lose this coupon to be entitled to the free meal, otherwise you will have to pay for your meal like all accompanying persons and spectators.
It is possible to pick up your participant's kit up to 1 hour before your departure on the day of your event. It will also be possible for all participants to pick up their kit at the Salle des Huards, during the opening hours of the registration office. Your bib number will be given to you when you arrive at the Manoir.
For the Trail run and Night swimrun events as well as the children's Trail run:
The kits will be available at the Huards room of the Manoir du Lac Delage
For the Discovery Triathlon, Youth Triathlon and Family Triathlon events:
Participants' kits can be picked up at the registration desk at the times mentioned above.
Participant kits that have not been picked up on Friday will be placed under the racks in the transition area at the location of the bib #.
For the Triathlon and Short Duathlon (sprint) and Triathlon and Standard Duathlon events:
Participants' kits can be picked up at the registration desk at the times mentioned above.
Participant kits that have not been collected on Saturday will be placed under the racks in the transition area at the location of the bib #.
You don't have a brother-in-law in Quebec to lodge you?
We thought about it, contact our partner!
The best way to experience XTERRA Quebec is to stay on site
To reserve your room and take advantage of special rates, please contact the hotel by phone at 1 888 202-3242 / 418 848-2552 and use the group code XTERRA or 325000 .
On-site parking is included with accommodation.
The 89 rooms enjoy natural sunshine and a splendid view of the lake or the wooded mountain. You will find, in each of the rooms and suites, a country chic inspiration!
Elegant furniture, warm colors, ornamental woodwork and a touch of home decor!
In addition, some rooms and suites have electric fireplaces and therapeutic baths.
You're in good shape, you're motivated, but all you need is a mountain bike to do the XTERRA?
No problem, contact our partner!
It will be possible to rent a wetsuit by contacting La Boutique du Lac.
You can decide to change the event at any time until July 1 at 11:59 p.m.
Same participants
Towards another event
Fee of $ 30 plus the difference in fees for the new proof if applicable.
Available directly in Active through your account.
Not applicable if ever we are at maximum capacity in the new event desired at the time of the change.
Results will be available after the event at Sportstats.
Click here to see the results since 2014.
Men: Karsten MADSEN, 2:49:00.5
Women: Caroline GUAY, 3:36:01.0
Men: Yves ST-LOUIS, 1:36:59.7
Women: Isabelle CHAREST, 2:13:40.8
Men: Thomas VARESCON, 1:22:08.6
Women: Isabelle CARTIER, 1:27:21.1
Write us at:
26, rue du Pied-des-Pentes Lac-Delage (Québec) G3C 5A2
You have 2 options for parking on site.
Option P1 : If you wish to park directly on the site, you must first pay the $17 fee to access it. Payment for parking at P1 must be made online no later than July 7 in order to avoid delays when you arrive on site and to prepare for your departure. The number of accesses to P1 is limited.
If you have not paid for your access to P1, it is still possible to do so by sending an Interac transfer:
Transfer of $17 to the email address: xterraquebec@gmail.com
Security question to ask: For which event
Security answer to put (in capital letters): XTERRA
Information to put in the notes: Parking P1
Option P2 : Parking P2 is free but located 1.5 km from the site, please plan for it in your arrival schedule.
There is a shortened path that connects between Chemin de la Grande Ligne and Avenue des Monts.
It is possible to use a landing stage at P1 and we encourage carpooling.
Policy in effect until April 30, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.
Should the event ever be canceled due to public health reasons, here are the options available to you:
Postpone your registration for XTERRA Québec 2023 free of charge.
Transfer your registration to XTERRA Tremblant 2022 or XTERRA Bromont 2023 by paying the price difference if the price is higher.
Receive a 75% refund of the paid amount and get a 15% discount applicable on your registration for XTERRA Quebec 2023.
*** Note that the 15% discount on registration fees in 2023 is applicable only for new registrations with payment and will be added to any other promotion in effect.
Policy in effect from May 1, 2022 to July 10, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.
Should the event ever be canceled due to public health reasons, here are the options available to you:
Postpone your registration for XTERRA Québec 2023 free of charge.
Transfer your registration to XTERRA Tremblant 2022 or XTERRA Bromont 2023 by paying the price difference if the price is higher.
XTERRA Quebec, in conjunction with city officials, authorities and local police, has the power to cancel one or more of the events for emergencies, including, but not limited to, inclement weather, bad weather or a terrorist threat. If such emergency conditions force cancellation, refunds cannot be offered as funds will have been spent in preparation for the event.
You can request a partial refund before June 24 before 5:00 p.m. by writing your request by email to athlete@xterraquebec.com. The amount refunded for any reason is 25% of the base amount of your registration.
No refund possible after June 24 before 5 p.m.
Note that taxes, online registration fees and Triathlon Québec fees are non-refundable and are also extra in our entire policy if applicable.
Up to two weeks before the event (no later than June 24 before 5 p.m.), you can easily postpone your registration for the 2023 edition if it is the same event. The deferral fee before this date is $ 30. You must write to us by email to athlete@xterraquebec.com to request a postponement. The fees must be paid before June 24, 2022 at 5 p.m. for the deferral to be effective.
Between June 24, 2022 at 5 p.m. and July 7, 2022 at 5 p.m., it is always possible to postpone a registration, but only with the delivery of a medical note which specifies that it is impossible for you to participate in the event. The fee to postpone to 2023 from June 24 is $ 50. The transaction must be completed no later than July 7, 2022 at 5 p.m.
Until July 1, 2022 at 11:59 p.m., you can transfer your registration to another person if it is the same event. The transfer fee is $ 30.
Available directly in Active through your account.