XTERRA Worlds: Tales of Grit and Grandeur #4

The true essence of competition lives in the heart of every warrior who has fought to earn their place. Tales of Grit and Grandeur is a series dedicated to the personal journeys of those competing in the XTERRA World Championship, offering inspiration and motivation to all who dare to chase their dreams.

Written by
Ari Altun
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Stefano Ruaro: Living Proof

"There are athletes who play sports to win, athletes who do it for passion, and others who do it to survive." These words from Stefano Ruaro (ITA) encapsulate the remarkability of a life defined through athleticism. At 60 years old, Stefano is racing to survive, to live a long life and thrive as a motivator to all of us in search of hope, especially to those aiming to overcome the odds. 

He has spent decades chasing personal goals in sports ranging from football to mountain biking, skiing, and triathlon. But his diagnosis of Parkinson's disease in 2020 altered his entire approach to competition. "Parkinson's disease is degenerative, and there are no drugs to treat it. Fortunately, studies show that sport can slow down the progression of the disease, so here I am."

In the face of an incurable disease, encouraging others to never give up is Stefano’s true calling. "When people receive a challenging diagnosis, many give up. My mission is to show them that they can still have hope," he says. 

Shortly after completing a race, Stefano found himself confused by the news from his doctors. "After a few months of disorientation, with the help of my family and teammates, I managed to react," he shares. Encouraged by his doctors to use sport as a complementary treatment, Stefano threw himself back into training.

"I’m taking drugs at pediatric doses," he explains, but it's the training and competing that keeps him feeling alive and strong. This approach wasn’t just about Stefano’s own health. He felt compelled to give hope to others diagnosed with debilitating conditions, showing them that "everything is possible."

"My mission is to show them that they can still have hope."

To amplify his message, Stefano founded IndomiTRI, a supportive community of athletes that uses sports to assist those facing challenges. With every competition, he’s racing to show others that even in the face of difficulty, they can keep going.

This journey took on new meaning when Stefano discovered XTERRA. "Running and cycling on dirt surfaces improved my balance," he says, explaining how off-road racing became a crucial part of his training. In 2023, he fully embraced the XTERRA World Tour and its trio of events in Italy, competing first in XTERRA Lake Garda then XTERRA Lake Scanno Full Distance Races. When he qualified for the XTERRA World Championship in Molveno, Stafano embraced the opportunity. "Having the slot to participate was further satisfaction," Stefano says. But what made the event truly special was sharing the day with his son, Pietro. "The day spent in Molveno was much more exciting than I could have imagined because I was lucky enough to share it with my son," he reflects, proud that Pietro is also qualified alongside his father for the 2024 World Championship once again taking place in their home country. 

Stefano’s 2024 plan to dedicate his training and preparation for XTERRA events however, was interrupted by an unexpected hurdle. "In January 2024, I had the misfortune of meeting a sports doctor who didn’t believe that sport could be useful for people with my condition," he explains. The doctor suspended his competitive medical certificate, leaving Stefano in a frustrating limbo.

Despite months of uncertainty and undergoing countless invasive tests, Stefano’s drive never faltered. "They were really tough months," he says, but by July, after extensive consultations with specialists, he was able to get his medical certificate reinstated. It was a moment of triumph, one that renewed his determination to continue competing.

"Through resilience, we can overcome some of the toughest challenges life throws at us."

"Anything is possible," Stefano emphasizes, showing from his own example that no matter the obstacle, there’s always a way forward. Stefano and Pietro will line up at Lake Molveno among the world’s best qualifiers in an off-road showdown for the 2024 XTERRA World Championship to encourage, inspire and to demonstrate that through resilience, we can overcome some of the toughest challenges life throws at us. 



Lauren Turley: Uncharted Trails

For Lauren Turley (UK), XTERRA wasn’t part of her plan. In fact, her journey into the sport came by chance, fueled by a sense of curiosity and adventure. “I’m relatively new to triathlon, and very new to cross-tri,” she says. Lauren found herself at XTERRA Weston Park, north of her home base in Shropshire, UK, not to chase results, but to simply enjoy the experience with no pressure or expectations.

Borrowing her coach’s mountain bike, Lauren stepped into an unknown world. As someone who loved mountain biking and trail running, combining these into a triathlon felt like a new adventure. "I think my enjoyment of the day translated into the outcome," she says, realizing that this sport was a perfect fit. "It was a no-brainer after how much fun I had."

Trail running clung tightly to Lauren over the years with its fair share of challenges. "It has a history of not loving me," she admits, recalling the multiple ankle sprains she’s suffered over the past five years. But XTERRA offered something different—a way to combine everything she loved about being outdoors without the pressure. 

The unpredictable nature of off-road racing felt like a perfect fit. “What's not to love? The nature, scenery, and just bloody good fun!" she explains, with a clear excitement about this new chapter. That day was more than just a race; it was a realization. "I got around the XTERRA Weston Park course and realized I could compete with a smile on my face the whole time."

Behind every race, every early morning workout, and every finish line, there's a deeper motivation for Lauren. "The biggest hurdle I've had in my life is also my biggest inspiration," she shares. Since her father’s passing in 2019, after a long battle with cancer, Lauren has dedicated each race to him. "Ever since I started triathlon in 2022, I've said every race I take part in is for my Dad."

Her father's relentless determination to seize every opportunity has become Lauren's guiding light. "He took every opportunity to be the best he could be, and I want to do the same." It’s this shared grit that drives her forward, turning each challenge into a tribute to the man who continues to inspire her.

Lauren's father is a driving force that pushes her not only to compete but to enjoy the journey, to smile through every challenge, and to embrace the raw beauty of the sport. For Lauren, it's about more than just the finish line; it's about honoring her dad with every step and pedal stroke.

"He took every opportunity to be the best he could be, and I want to do the same."

With the 2024 XTERRA World Championship just around the corner, Lauren’s focus is on enjoying the race and preparing for what lies ahead. "After Molveno, I want to use the winter to train as effectively as I can for next season," she says, already planning her next moves. Off-road duathlons and cross-country mountain bike races are on the horizon, as she looks to further immerse herself in adventure sports.

And while the challenges of racing excite her, it's her desire to inspire that truly fuels Lauren. "More importantly, I want to inspire more women to take part and enjoy everything this sport has to offer."

With her father's legacy guiding her and the trails calling, Lauren’s journey is just beginning. The future holds not only a multitude of racing options, but the opportunity to lead others into the wild, adventurous world that engulfs her with new challenges waiting to be discovered.



Luca Vanhalle: Chasing Dreams

At just 18, Luca Vanhalle (BEL) made a daring move that would set the course for his future. “About a year and a half ago, I made the bold decision to switch my focus from football to triathlon and duathlon,” he explains. Disillusioned with football and drawn to endurance sports after riding with his cousin and running a marathon with his father, Luca dove headfirst into triathlon.

It wasn’t easy, but the challenge was exactly what he craved. “It was a leap into the unknown,” he admits, but one that paid off, as he quickly found himself thriving in this new world. His first triathlon—XTERRA Ardennes—was the start of something special.

"I was not fully prepared for it," he recalls. The challenging terrain in the heart of the Belgian Ardennes, on the incredible site of the Gileppe Dam tested his limits. Yet, Luca's determination pushed him forward. “I faced many challenges, but I thoroughly enjoyed every moment.”

As if the sheer accomplishment of finishing the race wasn’t enough, the final surprise awaited him at the finish. "When I crossed the line and was told I had qualified for the 2024 XTERRA World Championship, I could hardly believe it.” It was an overwhelming mix of exhaustion and exhilaration, and it marked the beginning of his XTERRA journey on a global stage.

Luca’s ambitions are starting to become very clear. “My ultimate dream is to compete professionally in triathlon,” he shares. It’s a goal that requires not only intense physical preparation but also mental fortitude and dedication. “I am focused on continuous improvement and setting high goals for myself,” he explains. His training regimen is demanding, incorporating everything from nutrition to mental training. He is relentless in refining his technique, with each session pushing him closer to his dream.

Beyond training, Luca is also pursuing a degree in Physical Education and Movement Sciences at Ghent University. This academic focus on movement allows him to blend theory and practice, applying what he learns directly to his training. “It’s a unique advantage,” Luca notes, “being able to merge the scientific knowledge of my studies with the physical demands of the sport.”

But his growth isn’t just an individual journey. Luca values the power of community and mentorship. “Building a strong support network, including coaches, mentors, and fellow athletes, is crucial as I work towards this goal,” he says. As he sets his sights on competing in more high-level events, Luca is steadily climbing the ranks, always looking forward to the next challenge.

Race day in Molveno, Italy will carry extra significance for Luca as it coincides with his 20th birthday. “Celebrating my birthday on the day of the race in Molveno adds an extra layer of excitement to the event. There’s no better way to mark my birthday than by doing what I love the most.” Fueled by encouragement and support, Luca reflects, "My family and friends have been my rock throughout this journey." From the early morning training sessions to the moments of celebration at the finish line, their encouragement has been a driving force behind his success. "Their belief in me has been a constant source of motivation, lifting me up during tough times."

"Their belief in me has been a constant source of motivation, lifting me up during tough times."

Luca has his sights set on the 2024 XTERRA World Championship, and future athletes aspiring to transition from traditional team sports to triathlon will take note of programs like the XTERRA Youth Tour, which aims to foster the next generation of talent. Though his journey began last year at 18, the XTERRA Youth Tour is in its first year and will continue to help guide young athletes on their path to discovering the sport, just as he did. Following Luca’s ultimate showdown against the best in the world on Saturday, September 28, the XTERRA Youth World Championship will be on full display in Molveno and broadcast live on Sunday, September 29. 

Luca’s story is simply in its early stages. His dedication, combined with the growing support for youth athletes in the sport, is paving the path for him to chase his dreams and there is hardly any doubt that we will be seeing more of Luca Vanhalle in the future. 



The 2024 XTERRA World Championship returns to the village of Molveno, situated beneath the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Brenta Dolomites in the northern Italian Alps. Marking the first relocation of the XTERRA World Championship outside of Maui, Hawaii, since its inception in 1996, this is the main event of the XTERRA World Tour and it’s off-road triathlon's greatest week of racing. Tales of Grit and Grandeur is a series celebrating those taking on the challenge, with part #1, part #2, and part #3 ready to provide inspiration for those dedicated to chasing their dreams.













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Author Bio

Ari Altun

Ari Altun serves as the Manager of Communications and Content for XTERRA. Originally from Toronto, Canada, he brings his passion for nature, outdoor adventure, and community building to his role to help craft inspiring stories for XTERRA Culture along with comprehensive event previews and recaps.

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